Friday, March 18, 2011

Probably my longest Hiatus thusfar

The sickness is pretty much done with, only now I'm just SO tired.  Hoping I'll get used to it.  Before, I was always so busy I'd be up until 2 in the morning entertaining myself after a long day of school, work, and other responsibilities.  Now, I can hardly stay awake past midnight on weekends, and bedtime has come closer to 11.  Still not enough!  People think I'm INSANE for how much I do on a daily basis.  That's life.

This Monday, I saw Beastly with my friends Rosa and Kaci, it was pretty cute!  Obviously a little corny, but nevertheless cute--after all, Beauty and the Beast was my favorite Disney movie as a young girl, and I'm such a sucker for romance it's sad!

Today marks my 14th week of pregnancy, it feels so crazy to be at this point!

Honestly, I don't have alot to say, I just felt guilty for not posting when I haven't abandoned this thing at all--I'm just as busy as ever, if not busier trying to get things ready for baby.

As for my living situation, we haven't had any more trouble with the neighbors... yet.  Not to say that that PSYCHOPATH won't try to get us in trouble yet again for nothing!  But, her boyfriend has clearly moved in, so maybe now that she's getting laid, she'll quit being such an uptight bitch.

I'll post again soon, I have quite a few pictures that I've taken and put up and wouldn't mind sharing!  But NO baby bump pictures.  Right now I just look fat, and I'm not one of those people who are interested in standing at my side to take pictures of my belly.  Not that there's anything wrong with it, its just I prefer to keep those pictures personal between Tony and I.  (Assuming people read this, which does NOT happen!)  Eventually, when my stomach becomes much more impressive, I think I'll take on the task of displaying to the world my progress. MAYBE.

Until then--

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