Not having him here has been quite the situation, but we make it work. We definitely appreciate each other more when he comes home!
So, since I've been away for so long, and even though I don't think anyone actually even reads this, I'm going to make this entry rather lengthy and go through what I've been up to the past week.
Monday was pretty uneventful for me. I didn't work that day, so I had the day to myself after school. When class was out, I went to the courthouse to take care of a couple of tickets my boyfriend had gotten a couple weeks ago. Since he was working out of town, I brought down his insurance card to prove he had insurance, and a check he had written out for a traffic violation. Before I went in, I spent a good amount of time talking to my friend Autumn on the phone. She's going through a terrible breakup, and I hadn't had chance to touch base with her until that day--plus, I wanted to give her time to herself, and didn't think having Miss I'm-So-In-Love around was going to help cheer her up in the least, especially right after it all happened. So I sat in the courthouse parking lot in my car for 45 minutes talking with her about everything.
When I got home, I did some housework and then sat down to have some lunch. Also got a little bit more decorating done-- we bought this great cityscape wall art that we hung above our couch, and have our eye on a few more things at different places in town. Decorating has been going really slow with our budget, but at least its been going...right?
Anyhow, Monday's marks the night of my guilty pleasure, Gossip Girl. I have been a HUGE fan of the books since I was in junior high, and actually own the entire series. This season definitely has not been a disappointment-- and this weeks episode was one of the best!
To make the recap a short one, Blair and Dan team up to find Juliet and bring her down for attempting to ruin Serena's life. They don't find her, but do end up finding Damien and Juliet's entire past in her hometown of Cornwall, CT. Slowly, they piece together the history of how Juliet and Serena are connected, while Serena simultaneously fills in the holes to her psychiatrist during treatment regarding her past--starting with her betrayal of Blair which caused her to flee to CT to begin with, and ending with her return to New York. The story in between detailed a relationship Serena attempted to persue with a teacher at her boarding school-- a teacher who turns out to be Juliet's older brother.
Flashback scene of Serena persuing her teacher, Mr. Donovan |
When Lily uses the rumors to help improve Serena's school records to get her back into her school in New York, the plan backfires and the police become involved, which ends up with Lily signing her daughter's name on an affidavit stating that there was an improper relationship between her and the teacher. On a plea bargain, Ben ended up in prison for five years, and Juliet was left vengeful over her brother's tarnished name.
All the detective work in CT is pretty pointless, however, because Juliet made her way back to New York to confront Serena once and for all and come clean about why she did what she did. Serena realizes what her mother has done, and allows Juliet to get away before going to a business party at her mother's home being held by Lily and Chuck in regards to Bass Industries, and calls her out in front of everyone. Lily admits what she did when confronted, and at first has Chuck coming to her defense, until Rufus steps forward and forces Lily to admit she was going to be selling Bass Industries--exactly the opposite of what she had told Chuck that she planned on doing just earlier in the day. Thus begins the fall of Lily Van der Woodsen/Bass/Humphrey, and the start of what is likely going to turn out to be alot more trouble for Chuck-- as it seems like he has every intention of getting ahold of his Uncle Jack to stop the sale of Bass Industries. As Blair warned, Jack can't be trusted, so it will be interesting to see what the next few episodes have in store.
Juliet coming clean, and getting away with it all |
Long recap, but ALOT happened on this episode.
Tuesday was another night alone, and after work and school work, I decided to wind down with some red wine and a little Sixteen and Pregnant. There's really no need for a recap of this episode; completely boring up until about the end. I think the biggest thing I learned is that the stereotypical Southern accent DEFINITELY comes from Alabama. So, a quick and dirty for you: Southern pageant girl. Supportive boyfriend. Supportive parents. No risk of not graduating. No risk of giving up secondary education. Baby daddy proposes. Southern pageant queen accepts. Premature delivery. Healthy baby boy. Baby daddy is helpful. Family is helpful. Baby daddy wants own house. Southern Beauty queen has a brain. Refuses to leave stability for instability.
The only thing of interest on this episode, besides the fact that yet ANOTHER teenage girl either agrees to or gets married on the show, is that this girl was actually idiotic enough to climb on top a horse with a four week old baby who was born prematurely no less!
She practically laid on top of that baby to climb on that horse. Photo from |
Wednesday, Tony came home from Aberdeen early, so I've been spending the remainder of my week with him! We did end up watching our favorite shows as of now through the week. I'll recap them both, because writing this is just taking me forever.
On The Challenge, Laurel once again just annoyed the crap out of me. That girl talks ALOT of shit. I seriously can't stand her. The whole thing was this huge bitch fest where she talked down to Cara Maria as usual instead of just ACTUALLY performing better. Honey, there is a reason why SARAH is your only friend, because SARAH is right up there with you in being ridiculously annoying as fuck.
Photo from |
Nothing really else to say, other than two "to be continued" episodes in a row is kinda lame! But we're reaching the end soon. I like these shows because they involve an elaborate game, but then you end up watching The Real World because you want to know who that is when they show up on a challenge.
Thursday, we picked up some champagne and watched the new episode of The Office! I am a huge fan of the show, although I haven't really mentioned anything quite yet. I even own the first three box sets on DVD, and record old episodes on my DVR. I'm so sad it's Steve Carell's last season. Every episode I'm afraid it could be his last, haha. Tonight was a new Christmas episode, and I was so glad because Holly was in it. It wasn't especially happy, but I've waited awhile for Holly to come back!
Holly returns! |
I didn't really like the whole snowball thing through the episode. I laughed when he threw the snowball in Dwight's face, and at the end with the snowmen, but the buildup to the ending was just weird... one one hand, I like that it broke the mold of Jim playing stupid tricks on Dwight, but on the other, the prank just seemed to be alot more brutal, which I know was the point, but I guess the only thing that got me is that it was so uncomfortable to watch, and normally, I can still find the things Dwight says and does funny, but this time, I didn't. Kind of weird.
Darryl's storyline was really sad too, but I'm glad that it ended up having that same Office ending I love. That little girl was cute too, and Andy didn't fail as the guy with good intentions who always seems to mess things up. I'm excited to see what happens next, especially since Holly is here to stay for awhile! I really want to see how this "ultimatum" issue pans out.
And in between all of that, we have gotten ridiculously drunk and watched Christmas movies and Harry potter movies. Definitely making the most of our long weekend! Last night we bought everything we needed for Tequila Sunrises, and tonight, we plan on getting our drink on. I was supposed to work today, but even though I went to bed to a street with no snow last night, when I awoke this morning, there was a blizzard happening! It's still going on right now. So at least we have plenty of entertainment tonight!
Back to spending time with my boo. I'll do my best to keep up better.
Oh, and I've FINALLY listened to Loud. My thoughts coming soon, hahaha
Until then--
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