Monday, January 3, 2011

The busiest NYE ever!

Very busy indeed.  I felt like we were going non stop the entire day?

Speaking of we, Tony made it home NYE morning.  I woke up at around 10:30 and texted him to see what was going on, and he told me he'd be home in an hour.  I was ecstatic!!  I figured since the weather was so bad that it would take him more like two hours (although I had no idea where he was at that point), but he rolled in at just after 11!  I was pretty excited, so we had breakfast together and got ready for the wedding.

The wedding was absolutely gorgeous.  As soon as I got there, I met with my uncle to get a handle on how to operate the video cameras.  Since the reception was postponed, they had their wedding cake in the church basement with tables set up so people could have cake there.  For an impromptu put together, it wasn't too bad!  On a side note, my aunt that decided to tell me I wasn't her niece anymore was there and was doing a really poor job of trying to make me uncomfortable.  I hate to brag, (actually I don't) but making people uncomfortable is kind of my forte, it just doesn't get to me because I can spot it a mile away.  And I'm naturally awkward, so you get used to things like that.

Cute table decorations - Faceless blonde in the back wearing black is said aunt :)

The absolutely gorgeous cake!

My uncle and I went upstairs to situate the cameras.  We made sure to get the ceremony from a couple different angles with a couple different tripods.  The church was still decorated for Christmas and was just gorgeous!

Our pretty little flower girl!
My cousin and I's mutual friend from childhood provided a flower girl for us.  Cute thing about her is that she is hopelessly in love with Lance, the groom, and was none too pleased when she woke up that morning to get ready to be in the wedding.  As she told Brittney, her mother, "Hhmmph.  Lance is getting married today."  She walked down the aisle and didn't throw one petal!  It was pretty cute, needless to say!

Waiting for the bride
If you're wondering, the groom is over too the right, very dark, having just seated his grandparents.  Also, check out how the flower girl has a big smile on her face as she looks over at the groom... Colleen's bridesmaid, Kathy, has to get her to her correct spot!  Also, the ring bearer is technically their infant son, Brayden,  but Colleen's brother Russell is Brayden's attendant.

Here she comes!
So pretty <3
Right now, the best man is singing and playing piano like a freaking professional!
Unity Candle Ceremony
Let me just apologize now not only for this picture, but the several others that turned out rather blurry.  Always during the CRUCIAL moments!  Bah.

True Love :)
And their married!
LIKE THIS ONE!  NOT THE KISS!  WHY BLUR ON THE KISS!  This is why I say my life is ruled by Murphy's Law, SERIOUSLY!

Just Married
And this one, too!

The Maid of Honor and Best Man
Nycole--Colleen's older sister (we are three months apart in age... and I'm the older one mind you!) looks like she's about to cry!

Russ takes care of the little ones, including a devastated flower girl
That's alot of my family over there!  We have a very large family so part of our family sat behind the grooms family for a better view-- no reason to sit in the back on one side when you can side midway up on the other, right?  My great uncle and aunt are on the left (not married, they are brother and sister!) Russ and Brayden obviously in the middle, and my littlest cousins in the green coats!  So presh.

So nice to each other, no shoving cake in each other's faces.  Colleen probably would have killed Lance though, so if you know her, it's not too surprising ;o)
Nycole's son, Jesse, tugging on Auntie's wedding dress.  Everyone was laughing, especially Auntie!
After the wedding, we stopped by to visit Ave's birthday party!

She was all ready to go swimming, as soon as she ate cake of course!  She was absolutely adorable!

SO cute!!!
Someone decided she was sleepy, Tony convinced her she was not, for it was time to eat cake and swim!
She is convinced!!
Ready to eat cake
Blowing out Tinkerbell cake... such a cute smile!
After Ave's party, we headed home to get ready to celebrate NYE.

My makeup for the night:

This look was created by Michelle Phan.  It's her "New Years Magic" video, which you should be able to find on her channel on Youtube.

Ready to go!
We arrived at Rosa and Vince's place and proceeded to drink jungle juice, or as Vince referred to it: Haterade.

Probably had something to do with the container they made it in, haha.

Rosa's Disney Tree

Rosa and I, before I got ridiculously hot
And so we drank!

As I drank, I got too warm for my cardigan, and quit caring about my hair!
1 of the Alcohlytes is not wearing his shirt!
These ones, however, are.
If you were wondering who Vince is, he's in the middle.  He and Tony are cousins... how convenient!  haha.

Myself and Rosa
Sippin' on that haterade
Happy Holidays!
Former Roomies, what what?? :o)
Sonny and Tony
Officially Tipsy
Right after midnight... but we are missing one Alcoholyte!
The Alcoholytes, by the way, are a beer pong team.  I'm not even kidding.  They were runners up in a local beer pong competition.  If they had won, they would have had the potential to compete in Las Vegas.  Yeah, I don't get it either.

Well, long entry, and I've got to get to bed.  I have to get Tony to work verrrrry early, and that means less beauty sleep for moi.  More blogging soon.

Until then--

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