So the days just seem to get worse instead of better. Had my doctor's appointment, and I've learned 3 very important things:
1) I'm due September 19th
2) The nausea and horrible feeling-ness should go away by mid February
3) I apparently have a large pelvis.
Not kidding, my doctor seriously told me that!
So I've been sleeping alot, puking alot, whining alot, and generally wishing for it to be mid February every day. I can't wait for the worst of it to be over and get back to feeling somewhat normal again!
A few shows to talk about. And since I'm so freaking exhausted, no pictures today, just tooooo much work.
I know I haven't discussed it yet, but the first season aired a few weeks ago and I must say, they did a really good job of keeping their casting mold. Leah is clearly the new fan favorite and meant to be similar to Maci, Kailyn is our new Catelynn, minus the adoption bit. Jenelle is clearly Amber 2.0, but surprisingly far less annoying. Both of them have an overused phrase though. Amber's is "Bash me as a mom". Jenelle's is "My child". And Chelsea is this series' version of Farrah.
Fun fact: Chelsea's scenes are largely filmed in my home stomping grounds. I'm pretty sure she's living in my town now at least, especially since there really isn't anything to do where she's from. No, I've never met her, have no clue who she is, but I know her baby daddy and I have some mutual friends. Actually, friends is a loosely used term here. We know similar people, but that's how it is in this town - if you don't know someone, you best believe you only have one degree of separation with them, i.e., you have at least one common acquaintence.
So far, the season's started off with a bang. Jenelle has already had a huge blowout with her mother, and in tonight's episode ended up signing over temporary custody to her. My favorite scene with her though, was when her and her friend were sitting on a couch in the driveway. Sometimes I wonder if that girl is just proud to be trash or what.
Kailyn has managed to win the Dumbass of the Year. Who, after being broken up with by her baby daddy, begs his mother to let her continue to live in their home, is provided with unlimited support by them, and still manages to try to get with someone else in less than a month? Ding ding ding. Dingbat is more like it. She keeps fussing like 'Oh I didn't choose it to happen! I didn't go looking for it! No one cared when Jo didn't want me but now that I don't want him its such a problem!" Bitch PLEASE. The problem is instead of trying to better your life you think finding a new boyfriend three weeks after ending it with someone else and begging for a place to live is somehow going to help you out. Oh, she also gets the Grown-Up Award for announcing her news to baby daddy and family over Facebook. You are SOOO mature!!!!!
I hope Chelsea's ready for the crap they put her through at Stewarts. The first few months is called Boot Camp for a reason, there's no such thing as being late, being sick, having sick kids, anything. I hope she realizes just how lucky she is to have her dad. I also think she's a complete idiot for getting back together with Adam, but after how he treated her before, if he does it again, I can't really hold it against him, since she was the dumbass who giggled her way through explaining that didn't seem to care that he treated her like garbage before.
Which leads me to my hugest point: LISTEN HERE BITCHES. ALL OF YOU OUT THERE WITH KIDS. JUST BECAUSE YOU AREN'T MARRIED TO/ENGAGED TO/DATING/SEEING/SPEAKING TO YOUR CHILD'S FATHER DOESN'T MEAN YOUR CHILD DOESN'T HAVE A FATHER. I am SO sick of hearing from almost all of them, "I want my baby to have a mommy AND a daddy!" Like its the most original thought anyone has ever had, and that unless they are with baby daddy, baby just doesn't have a daddy. That makes as much sense as going to "find a new daddy" for your kid, and dating someone new. Just because you're letting him get it in doesn't make him a dad! If he's spending time with his kids, supporting them, being there for them, and just not in a relationship with YOU doesn't mean your kid doesn't have a dad! That's just you being selfish, and trying to pass it off as concern for your child.
Yeah, go ahead, get offended, I'm pregnant so I don't give a fuck. :) And if Tony and I broke up, it wouldn't make him any less this child's father. Only his actions, or inactions, could do something like that.
Synopsis: Sam bitches and moans, Sam tries to strong arm "the new girl" out of a boardwalk trip, Sam realizes she's not liked enough to pull something like that off, Sam sulks, Sam accuses Ronnie of cheating (he isn't), They fight, Sam sulks some more, Sam apologizes to Snooki, Snooki accepts, Sam apologizes to Deena, Deena also accepts and offers gifts of Patron, Snooks tans her ass with tingle lotion and ends up requiring a fridge to fix it (hilarious), The whole group goes out, We see a series of people from season 1, including Mike's stumbling beauty (with an amazing body, I might add), and Pauly D's Jewish stalker Danielle, Danielle gives Pauly a shower with her drink and storms out, The world laughs at her, Deena is thrown out of the club for being a drunken idiot, Snooks and JWoww party upstairs by themselves, JWoww pees in a bar vent, Snooks gets really sick from drinking and goes to work wearing the dress she wore the night before, slippers, and a large blanket, Snooks attempts to steal beer at work to cure her hangover several times, Snooks sprints the boardwalk screaming, "WHERE'S THE BEACH!?!", Snooks finds the beach and faceplants into it, Snooks is arrested, Snooks is bailed, Tom and Jenni fight for the 300000000000th time, Jenni hangs out with her ex Roger instead, Jenni breaks up with Tom, Tom freaks out, robs her, and abandons her dogs, Jenni hurries home to rescue them.
Yeah, it was awesome.
The Office
HOLLY IS BACK! The whole episode centered around New Years Resolutions, and was a whole bucket of hilarity. The roller disco scene was just classic. I for one wasn't surprised when Holly showed up after New Years unengaged, but still with her boyfriend. I was surprised, however, when she decided to end it with him while she was in Scranton. Didn't see that coming! It was nice to see Michael apologize to her though. Those two are so meant for each other, its ridiculous.
Also, Gossip Girl was back this week, but I'm going to save that post for sometime later this week, I'm just way too tired, and I NEED sleep.
Shit, maybe I'll even put more effort into talking about The Office.
Do I watch too much television? Hmmm..
Until then--
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