Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tips For Controlling Nausea

1) Crackers, obviously
2) Peppermint candies
3) Peppermint tea
4) Sprite or Sierra Mist
5) Don't get pregnant

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

oh, the nausea

So the days just seem to get worse instead of better.  Had my doctor's appointment, and I've learned 3 very important things:

1) I'm due September 19th
2) The nausea and horrible feeling-ness should go away by mid February
3) I apparently have a large pelvis.

Not kidding, my doctor seriously told me that!

So I've been sleeping alot, puking alot, whining alot, and generally wishing for it to be mid February every day.  I can't wait for the worst of it to be over and get back to feeling somewhat normal again!


A few shows to talk about.  And since I'm so freaking exhausted, no pictures today, just tooooo much work.


I know I haven't discussed it yet, but the first season aired a few weeks ago and I must say, they did a really good job of keeping their casting mold.  Leah is clearly the new fan favorite and meant to be similar to Maci, Kailyn is our new Catelynn, minus the adoption bit.  Jenelle is clearly Amber 2.0, but surprisingly far less annoying.  Both of them have an overused phrase though.  Amber's is "Bash me as a mom".  Jenelle's is "My child".  And Chelsea is this series' version of Farrah.

Fun fact: Chelsea's scenes are largely filmed in my home stomping grounds.  I'm pretty sure she's living in my town now at least, especially since there really isn't anything to do where she's from.  No, I've never met her, have no clue who she is, but I know her baby daddy and I have some mutual friends.  Actually, friends is a loosely used term here.  We know similar people, but that's how it is in this town - if you don't know someone, you best believe you only have one degree of separation with them, i.e., you have at least one common acquaintence.

So far, the season's started off with a bang.  Jenelle has already had a huge blowout with her mother, and in tonight's episode ended up signing over temporary custody to her.  My favorite scene with her though, was when her and her friend were sitting on a couch in the driveway.  Sometimes I wonder if that girl is just proud to be trash or what.

Kailyn has managed to win the Dumbass of the Year.  Who, after being broken up with by her baby daddy, begs his mother to let her continue to live in their home, is provided with unlimited support by them, and still manages to try to get with someone else in less than a month?  Ding ding ding.  Dingbat is more like it.  She keeps fussing like 'Oh I didn't choose it to happen!  I didn't go looking for it!  No one cared when Jo didn't want me but now that I don't want him its such a problem!" Bitch PLEASE.  The problem is instead of trying to better your life you think finding a new boyfriend three weeks after ending it with someone else and begging for a place to live is somehow going to help you out.  Oh, she also gets the Grown-Up Award for announcing her news to baby daddy and family over Facebook.  You are SOOO mature!!!!!

I hope Chelsea's ready for the crap they put her through at Stewarts.  The first few months is called Boot Camp for a reason, there's no such thing as being late, being sick, having sick kids, anything.  I hope she realizes just how lucky she is to have her dad.  I also think she's a complete idiot for getting back together with Adam, but after how he treated her before, if he does it again,  I can't really hold it against him, since she was the dumbass who giggled her way through explaining that didn't seem to care that he treated her like garbage before.

Which leads me to my hugest point: LISTEN HERE BITCHES.  ALL OF YOU OUT THERE WITH KIDS.  JUST BECAUSE YOU AREN'T MARRIED TO/ENGAGED TO/DATING/SEEING/SPEAKING TO YOUR CHILD'S FATHER DOESN'T MEAN YOUR CHILD DOESN'T HAVE A FATHER.  I am SO sick of hearing from almost all of them, "I want my baby to have a mommy AND a daddy!" Like its the most original thought anyone has ever had, and that unless they are with baby daddy, baby just doesn't have a daddy.  That makes as much sense as going to "find a new daddy" for your kid, and dating someone new.  Just because you're letting him get it in doesn't make him a dad!  If he's spending time with his kids, supporting them, being there for them, and just not in a relationship with YOU doesn't mean your kid doesn't have a dad!  That's just you being selfish, and trying to pass it off as concern for your child.

Yeah, go ahead, get offended, I'm pregnant so I don't give a fuck. :)  And if Tony and I broke up, it wouldn't make him any less this child's father.  Only his actions, or inactions, could do something like that.


Synopsis: Sam bitches and moans, Sam tries to strong arm "the new girl" out of a boardwalk trip, Sam realizes she's not liked enough to pull something like that off, Sam sulks, Sam accuses Ronnie of cheating (he isn't), They fight, Sam sulks some more, Sam apologizes to Snooki, Snooki accepts, Sam apologizes to Deena, Deena also accepts and offers gifts of Patron, Snooks tans her ass with tingle lotion and ends up requiring a fridge to fix it (hilarious), The whole group goes out, We see a series of people from season 1, including Mike's stumbling beauty (with an amazing body, I might add), and Pauly D's Jewish stalker Danielle, Danielle gives Pauly a shower with her drink and storms out, The world laughs at her, Deena is thrown out of the club for being a drunken idiot, Snooks and JWoww party upstairs by themselves, JWoww pees in a bar vent, Snooks gets really sick from drinking and goes to work wearing the dress she wore the night before, slippers, and a large blanket, Snooks attempts to steal beer at work to cure her hangover several times, Snooks sprints the boardwalk screaming, "WHERE'S THE BEACH!?!", Snooks finds the beach and faceplants into it, Snooks is arrested, Snooks is bailed, Tom and Jenni fight for the 300000000000th time, Jenni hangs out with her ex Roger instead, Jenni breaks up with Tom, Tom freaks out, robs her, and abandons her dogs, Jenni hurries home to rescue them.

Yeah, it was awesome.

The Office

HOLLY IS BACK!  The whole episode centered around New Years Resolutions, and was a whole bucket of hilarity.  The roller disco scene was just classic.  I for one wasn't surprised when Holly showed up after New Years unengaged, but still with her boyfriend.  I was surprised, however, when she decided to end it with him while she was in Scranton.  Didn't see that coming!  It was nice to see Michael apologize to her though.  Those two are so meant for each other, its ridiculous.

Also, Gossip Girl was back this week, but I'm going to save that post for sometime later this week, I'm just way too tired, and I NEED sleep.

Shit, maybe I'll even put more effort into talking about The Office.

Do I watch too much television?  Hmmm..

Until then--

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I'll tell you where I've been.  I've been in front of the toilet.  I've been asleep.  I've been working hard to keep myself from being sick, but unfortunately, not much is helping, and trying to get through the work day is not much easier.

But I don't have a bug or anything--not an illness, or anything contagious.

I'm pregnant.

It's true!  I found out about a week ago, when I was thinking of going to get some wine before going out with my friend Tabitha for her birthday.  I had been feeling sick on and off and by this time was about a week late with my cycle.  I didn't think too much of it because KC had just died and I had just lost Abby only a bit more than a week before that, and thought I was just stressed.  Regardless, I'm a cautious girl, and something just didn't seem right, so I figured I would buy a cheap pregnancy test with my wine.

When I got there, I decided that it would look pretty weird to buy both at once (regardless of how sure I was it would be negative) so I just got the test and went home to take it since I live not far from my favorite liquor store (the wine selection is VAST).  When I got home and took the test however, I was pretty surprised to see that it was POSITIVE.

That is one big fat positive - and it was only the first of three

I couldn't believe it!  Last thing I was expecting. In a panic, I called one of my good friends Mikayla and we talked for quite awhile, coaching me on how to tell Tony.  I spent much of the night talking to her and Becca and Autumn separately, and the next day waiting for Tony to get home from working out of town to give him the news--after taking another pregnancy test from a different brand the next morning.  Believe me--not peeing until I made it to the grocery store to pick up another test was NOT easy!

Not sure what I was worried about with telling Tony, because when I told him he was so happy!  We spent the rest of our weekend talking and laughing about our baby and getting more and more excited about it together.

So, that's why I haven't been obsessively reviewing makeup, Teen Mom 2, or the extra bonus episode of Jersey Shore that aired this Monday.  I do intend on talking a bit about them, but alot of these things are going to be pretty condensed, because, well, I'm effing tired, alot, and my understanding is that it's just going to get worse from here.

But I'll be doing that tomorrow.  Much to discuss in the television world--including the series premiere of the American adaption of Skins.

So tomorrow: Teen Mom 2, Skins, Jersey Shore.  If I'm not puking or passed out.  Maybe I shouldn't write tomorrow... that's usually the best way to m,ake sure I don't blog for a whole week, hahahaha.  But one thing is for sure--I won't be doing any drinking for a good year or so! 

Literally the last glass of wine I had to myself, didn't know it then!

But tomorrow... seriously.  :P

Until then--

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jersey Shore returns!

 If you didn't figure it out yet, I'm freaking obsessed with Jersey Shore!  It's DEFINATELY my favorite guilty pleasure, and there's no way I'll go a whole Thursday not seeing the episode!

I know alot of people have really jumped on the "I Hate Jersey Shore" bandwagon, but as far as I'm concerned, those people hate Jersey Shore because so many people watch it, and if you haven't figured out (no offense, but if you're in high school, you really probably haven't figured out) people LOVE to jump on the bandwagon of hating everything popular.  (YES, sixteen year old kid wearing all black writing poetry about death hating everyone else around you for being "sheep", I'm talking to you AND your friends-individuality, HA - who think you're the first people in the world to decide you are sooooo non-conformist.)

Yeah, I've got some views on people who think being an individual means loathing everyone who doesn't think exactly like them.  If that' didn't make sense, it shouldn't.  ANYHOW!

Jersey Shore recap for those of us who could give two shits what those non-conformist cool people think of us.

Also, because I feel like sharing, I am wearing my amazing gray knit wool cap. =)

 I'm going to skip right to when the first people arrive.  DUM DUM DUM.  Sammi and Ronnie, for whatever reason, are still together (wait, i know the reason, Sammi enjoys being a doormat), and they show up first.  Naturally, since Sammi's entire focus is on getting the upper hand with Snooki and J-Woww, they decide to take the "best room" upstairs.  Nothing wrong with that-- until you consider that the "best room" has three beds.  What kind of couple DOES this?  Wouldn't you want a little bit of personal space?  I can't help but think there was a little bit of production urging them to take the room to make waves, as if the show needed it.  But, I can't speculate, and I'd prefer to think that those two are as big of idiots as they appear to be.

So when J-Woww arrives, Sammi gets more excited for her to come upstairs and see her in the "best room", she looks more giddy than she did before ANY date Ronnie ever took her on.  Why this girl delights into thinking she's made someone nervous (who clearly could care less if she ever interacts with her or not), I don't know.  Why she smiles like she's so proud of herself, I have even less of a clue.  I think it has something to do with her thinking she's won a fight before in her life - newsflash dear, your boyfriend kept her from KILLING you that night, you should probably thank him and the other guys before you start patting yourself on the back.

Face to face again for the first time

The biggest, newest thing going on this season is that Snooki has brought along her doppleganger, Deena Nicole, to take the place of the Staten Island Dump.  Deena is every bit as loud an obnoxious as Snooki is.  I bet I love her.  hahahaha.

Deena and Snooki on their way to the shore

Deena makes it clear on the drive up that she started drinking, well, pretty much yesterday, but "Don't tell anyone I'm drunk!"  Sweetie, methinks you are more obvious than you believe yourself to be.  Luckily, Deena seems to be able to stir up the fight that everyone has been waiting for since last season - Jwoww's chance to avenge herself.

When Pauly arrives, (much to Jwoww's happiness), she fills him in on the room situation, and his reaction is similar to all those in the world excluding Sam and Ron - WTF??  Enter the clueless couple, who tries to entire Pauly to room with them -- "Look, there's this whole side of the room for someone!"  To which Pauly makes perfectly clear that he has no intention of sleeping in that room, or as he referred to it, "The Boring Room".  So he settles into the two bedroom to ensure he and Vinny are able to room together.

Not to dissapoint, Vinny arrives next!  As usual, he's being his adorable momma boy self that girls seem to love, and he's brought along... a shower caddy!  He's so proud of it too, it makes for some ridiculous hilarity.  Ten bucks says that shower caddy gets him laid at least once!

Vinny and Pauly, besties!

When Snooki and Deena finally arrive, everyone welcomes Deena in with open arms, except of course, our least favorite gruesome twosome.  Sammi puts on her Rude Bitch hat- actually, I take that back, she's been wearing it since she found out who wrote The Note in Miami - and treats Deena like you might treat someone who has some sort of communicable disease like leprosy.  Needless to say, Deena doesn't take kindly to the treatment, and she certainly doesn't take the Sammi Sweetheart route of Passive Aggressive Bitchface.  Even Ron has the decency to be polite to her.  When Deena calls for a toast, everyone participates instead of our favorite priss.

Sammi being a sour puss

After a rousing game of Flip Cup - an event Sammi chooses to exclude herself from and Ronnie grudgingly keeps her company - I would have tried to avoid her nagging too - Deena is now drunker than ever and decides she needs her Blast in a Glass cowboy hat.  She enlists Mike to help her search for it.  Once the hat has been located, Drunky Deena decides she will show Mike how hot she looks wearing her hat with just her bikini.  Problem is, she manages to remove her bikini bottom while trying to slip out of her bathing suit cover up.  Alot of people have speculated that this was faked, I'm pretty sure no one would humiliate themselves like that just for a show-- if anything, they'd do something that makes them look somehow cooler. Why do I have a feeling I'm going to be saying "Oh, Deena" ALOT this season?

Maximum Exposure

Something that kind of surprised me was the revelation that Vinny slept with Snooki's BFF Ryder only a couple weeks before they came back to the shore house - something she was apparently reminded of when she realized Vinny was flirting with Deena.  If you were watching but somehow unable to comprehend what was happening, there was clearly something between Snooki and Vinny, at the very least a bit of a crush.  At least that's what I thought it was until this scene occured, and they have the deepest conversation in Jersey Shore history about how Vinny loves her and cares about her too much to hook up with her and possibly hurt her feelings if he hooks up with someone else afterward.  I'm totally rooting for a Vinny + Snooki marriage in like five to ten years.  No joke.

"I SAW YOUR BUTT!" - Snooki

And then, the excitement happens.  Drunk-as-shit Deena goes looking for Mike upstairs. (If you haven't been keeping track of the roomie's arrivals, the unlucky one to end up rooming with Ron and Sam is Mike).  When she goes up there and tries to convince him to come downstairs and hang out, Sammi starts laughing at Deena.  Deena says to Mike, "She's laughing at me", to which Mike replies, "No she's not" and Sammi chimes in with "I most definitely am!"  Deena stalks out of the room and as she leaves, calls Sammi a cunt.  She goes downstairs and tells the rest of the roomies why she's so pissed at Sammi, as Sammi sits upstairs evesdropping, and talking shit about how Deena is talking shit. (I don't think I need to point out how hypocritical Sammi is, but I will anyway.  Pot, meet kettle.)  The problem really explodes when Deena says "Stay upstairs and cuddle with your fucking boyfriend, I don't care", which sparks Ronnie to come downstairs and lash a verbal assault on Deena.  As they argue, Sammi runs downstairs, and eventually, Ronnie backs out of the fight and Sammi steps in.

"GET REAL!" - Deema

Sammi then calls Deena a cunt (which I think is kind of deserved--if you're going to dish it, you should be able to take it), and Deena gets upset and storms away.  This incites Snooki to lay into Sammi in the calmest voice ever. "Sam, you are such a bitch.  You are seriously such a bitch.  I don't even know how you have friends".  Sammi argues back with her, and Snooki tells Sam that Ron's mom called her a bitch, which we learn immediately is not true, but Ron doesn't deny it.  Sammi is near tears at this point, as its clear Snooki's hit a sore spot with her, and Ron calls Snooks "Just a loser from Poughkeepsie".

Snooki informs Sam what we all know, that she's a bitch.

The attack on Snooki infuriates JWoww, who starts yelling at Ron, and then Sammi shouts over everyone that she'll pound Jenni's face in.  Jenni rushes forward and dares her to try it.  Sammi fakes a punch, which causes Jenni to swing at her.  First swing was a miss, but the next few land right on her face.  The episode ends with Jenni having a clear grip on Sammi who is trying to escape once she realizes that the boys aren't going to protect her.  (See honey?  shouldn't have run your mouth about kicking ass in Miami, now your backup thinks you don't need them!)

Blurry, but all I could find.  It will be interesting to see how this ends.

The fight continues this Thursday, and you best believe, I'll be tuned in.

Until then--

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

KC's funeral was this weekend, and needless to say, it was really, really hard.  I saw her parents at the wake and they were absolutely devastated.

I wanted to write an entry about her, and scan some of the old photos I have as well as post some of the newer ones other friends have of her, but I can't get my scanner to work.  I'll have to have Tony look into it for me.  And the more I think about it, I'm just not ready to open up about her right now, it all hurts so so much.  I've lost too many friends recently, and it needs to stop.

One positive thing from the weekend was I got to spend time with a few friends from high school.  We went out for drinks the night before the funeral and caught up, and it was a really good time!  I hate that these were the circumstances we had to have in order to come together.

Teen Mom 2 aired tonight... and wow.  I want to get into it, but I'm so exhausted, I just want to sleep.  PLUS. I need to write about Jersey Shore yet, and the next episode will air Thursday night, which is also one of my good friend's birthdays!  So it turns out that BzB is, as usual, very, very busy.

Time for sleep, I wasn't even kidding.  Jersey Shore recap tomorrow, just in time for Thursday!

Until then--

Thursday, January 6, 2011

With a Heavy Heart

I write today in sadness.  I'm just updating to update.  Today I wanted to write a good entry, all about Jersey Shore and my love for it, as it premiered tonight.  Thats definitely not happening tonight.  It probably won't happen til next week before the next episode actually.

The reason is that I just lost a very dear friend yesterday.  She rolled her car and died at the scene.  She was 24, and when she first moved here in the Seventh Grade, she was my best friend through sophomore year.

And now she's gone.  I need to get some sleep, I've only had a few hours in the past couple days-- so although I'm compelled to immortalize her right now, I need to rest, and prepare myself for dealing with seeing her for the very last time.  I'm just so sad, I just can't do it right now.

I thought my heart couldn't get more broken after I lost Abby a few weeks ago.  Now KC.

Next entry is hers. 100%.

Until then--

Monday, January 3, 2011

The busiest NYE ever!

Very busy indeed.  I felt like we were going non stop the entire day?

Speaking of we, Tony made it home NYE morning.  I woke up at around 10:30 and texted him to see what was going on, and he told me he'd be home in an hour.  I was ecstatic!!  I figured since the weather was so bad that it would take him more like two hours (although I had no idea where he was at that point), but he rolled in at just after 11!  I was pretty excited, so we had breakfast together and got ready for the wedding.

The wedding was absolutely gorgeous.  As soon as I got there, I met with my uncle to get a handle on how to operate the video cameras.  Since the reception was postponed, they had their wedding cake in the church basement with tables set up so people could have cake there.  For an impromptu put together, it wasn't too bad!  On a side note, my aunt that decided to tell me I wasn't her niece anymore was there and was doing a really poor job of trying to make me uncomfortable.  I hate to brag, (actually I don't) but making people uncomfortable is kind of my forte, it just doesn't get to me because I can spot it a mile away.  And I'm naturally awkward, so you get used to things like that.

Cute table decorations - Faceless blonde in the back wearing black is said aunt :)

The absolutely gorgeous cake!

My uncle and I went upstairs to situate the cameras.  We made sure to get the ceremony from a couple different angles with a couple different tripods.  The church was still decorated for Christmas and was just gorgeous!

Our pretty little flower girl!
My cousin and I's mutual friend from childhood provided a flower girl for us.  Cute thing about her is that she is hopelessly in love with Lance, the groom, and was none too pleased when she woke up that morning to get ready to be in the wedding.  As she told Brittney, her mother, "Hhmmph.  Lance is getting married today."  She walked down the aisle and didn't throw one petal!  It was pretty cute, needless to say!

Waiting for the bride
If you're wondering, the groom is over too the right, very dark, having just seated his grandparents.  Also, check out how the flower girl has a big smile on her face as she looks over at the groom... Colleen's bridesmaid, Kathy, has to get her to her correct spot!  Also, the ring bearer is technically their infant son, Brayden,  but Colleen's brother Russell is Brayden's attendant.

Here she comes!
So pretty <3
Right now, the best man is singing and playing piano like a freaking professional!
Unity Candle Ceremony
Let me just apologize now not only for this picture, but the several others that turned out rather blurry.  Always during the CRUCIAL moments!  Bah.

True Love :)
And their married!
LIKE THIS ONE!  NOT THE KISS!  WHY BLUR ON THE KISS!  This is why I say my life is ruled by Murphy's Law, SERIOUSLY!

Just Married
And this one, too!

The Maid of Honor and Best Man
Nycole--Colleen's older sister (we are three months apart in age... and I'm the older one mind you!) looks like she's about to cry!

Russ takes care of the little ones, including a devastated flower girl
That's alot of my family over there!  We have a very large family so part of our family sat behind the grooms family for a better view-- no reason to sit in the back on one side when you can side midway up on the other, right?  My great uncle and aunt are on the left (not married, they are brother and sister!) Russ and Brayden obviously in the middle, and my littlest cousins in the green coats!  So presh.

So nice to each other, no shoving cake in each other's faces.  Colleen probably would have killed Lance though, so if you know her, it's not too surprising ;o)
Nycole's son, Jesse, tugging on Auntie's wedding dress.  Everyone was laughing, especially Auntie!
After the wedding, we stopped by to visit Ave's birthday party!

She was all ready to go swimming, as soon as she ate cake of course!  She was absolutely adorable!

SO cute!!!
Someone decided she was sleepy, Tony convinced her she was not, for it was time to eat cake and swim!
She is convinced!!
Ready to eat cake
Blowing out Tinkerbell cake... such a cute smile!
After Ave's party, we headed home to get ready to celebrate NYE.

My makeup for the night:

This look was created by Michelle Phan.  It's her "New Years Magic" video, which you should be able to find on her channel on Youtube.

Ready to go!
We arrived at Rosa and Vince's place and proceeded to drink jungle juice, or as Vince referred to it: Haterade.

Probably had something to do with the container they made it in, haha.

Rosa's Disney Tree

Rosa and I, before I got ridiculously hot
And so we drank!

As I drank, I got too warm for my cardigan, and quit caring about my hair!
1 of the Alcohlytes is not wearing his shirt!
These ones, however, are.
If you were wondering who Vince is, he's in the middle.  He and Tony are cousins... how convenient!  haha.

Myself and Rosa
Sippin' on that haterade
Happy Holidays!
Former Roomies, what what?? :o)
Sonny and Tony
Officially Tipsy
Right after midnight... but we are missing one Alcoholyte!
The Alcoholytes, by the way, are a beer pong team.  I'm not even kidding.  They were runners up in a local beer pong competition.  If they had won, they would have had the potential to compete in Las Vegas.  Yeah, I don't get it either.

Well, long entry, and I've got to get to bed.  I have to get Tony to work verrrrry early, and that means less beauty sleep for moi.  More blogging soon.

Until then--